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Perhaps you have read and heard, you have noticed that many of your classmates and friends are talking about higher education in Great Britain, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, France, Austria and a bunch of other countries. Yes, it has really become popular nowadays to go for higher education abroad, in fact, statistics show that in 2017, about 6,000 Bulgarian students chose to study abroad. Why do they do it?

  • Because they are looking for a quality education that will provide a good foundation for their future career
  • Because they want to gain experience that they cannot get if they stay in Bulgaria
  • Because they want to improve their language skills
  • Because they are curious about the culture and life in other countries and want to learn from them

… And for many other reasons. And while in the past outdoor learning was the privilege of only the most privileged families, this is no longer the case. You too can go abroad for your higher education! What are the myths that many prospective students buy into themselves?

Studying abroad is expensive and I can't afford it. This is not the case, and the purpose of Study Buddy is to help students apply to countries where education is either completely free or tuition fees are very low. In some situations, even studying abroad is equivalent to the expenses of a student in Bulgaria. In that case, isn't it more useful and interesting for you to be a student abroad, where, in addition to a diploma from a prestigious and world-renowned university, you will also get experience of life in another country?

I have to be an excellent student to be able to apply abroad. It is a fact that more elite universities look for excellent grades in their applicants, but this is not always required. Any average Bulgarian student can be accepted to a university abroad, as long as you know how to prepare your application package, and this is where the role of Study Buddy comes in! Each application is specific, but the degree is not always the main criterion for admission. Therefore, it is best to sign up for an individual consultation where you will be able to get more information.

I will stay to study in Bulgaria, but I will go on an Erasmus exchange and thus gain experience and travel. Erasmus is really a great program that gives many opportunities. But when you are an exchange student, you never remain alumni of the university where you were on exchange, because you are "only visiting". And which university do you want to be listed on your future CV? You can also go on exchange from your university abroad and then you will earn double.